Welcome toOnline Karting League
Online Karting League is a leading sim karting community committed to bridging the divide between real-life karting and sim karting. Our leagues boast comprehensive features, encompassing production, rules, and regulations, with a singular goal: to provide our members with the utmost authentic sim karting experience presently attainable.
OKL membership required to join our leagues.
The OKL membership provides you with comprehensive access to all OKL content available for Kart Racing Pro. Here’s what you’ll get:
- Immediate entry into the Divisional League.
- Eligibility for participation in the Pro-League, subject to qualification.
- Full access to all hosted servers in Kart Racing Pro.
- Access to Ranked Racing hosted every night.
- High-quality laser scanned karting tracks.
- Authentic laser scanned karting bodyworks.
- Regular updates to our content.
- Stay tuned for exciting new additions in the near future.
Check out the OKL content page for a showcase of all the karting tracks & bodyworks included in the OKL memberships.
AAO eSports has dedicated significant time and resources to laser scanning and developing the karting tracks and bodyworks featured in our portfolio. However, we are committed to expanding our efforts further. Our ultimate objective is to laser scan and document every karting track, bodyworks, engine and chassis worldwide.
Check out the OKL content page for a showcase of all the karting tracks & karting bodyworks included in the OKL memberships.